Thursday, November 4, 2010


Day 94

Life is all about choices. Every step you take involves choices.

When you wake up this morning, you choose what you want to wear for work.
Don't blame it on the weather when you wore too little and shiver in the cold. You could have check the weather forecast and brought your coat.

When you leave for work, you choose where you want to wait for your cab.
Don't be angry that all the available cabs seem to be on the other side of the road. You chose to wait on this side.

When you reach your workplace, you choose to work or skive.
Don't blame it on your boss giving you more work. You could have said no. But that could cost you your bonus and progress. You choose to do what your boss says in order to earn more money.

When you return home, you choose to watch the tv first or shower first.
Your wife might be screaming at you but you tolerate all that to watch your favourite Mythbusters.

Some say it is tough to make choices. Making choices is not tough. What is tough is facing the consequences. Anger, Happiness, Sorrow? Blame, Celebrate, Avoid? Again, we have a choice. How we choose to face consquences will determine the type of life that you lead. It takes courage to make the choice. It takes determination to stand by your choice. It takes time to know if you have made the right choice. The bottom line is, what type of life do you want to lead?





你能找个理由难过, 你也一定能找到快乐的理由。




  1. Hey... U must be having lots of time... That's why thinking so much and so emo...

    1st, I must say you are my angel too. I had a great time in DQ because of you... Was lucky to meet u there...Thank you!

    Was talking to Weijie yesterday about taking risk and making choices too. cos I told him i donno what i wanna do when i go back to SPore. I donno if i wanna teach, how long i wanna teach??? I feel my life is stagnant. Japan is a change but after Japan ends, my life will go back to be the same again. Talking to him makes me think a lot, keeps my brain working. Get me to think of lots of questions but also annoys me sometimes. We didnt reach a conclusion, but his advice is that i have to take risk,and have a goal.Problem is what is my goal? in career wise, i don see the need to climb... Probably the change i need is to date someone and going into a relationship will change my life...and i will find new excitement. I donno... choices and taking risk..they are so difficult...I cant be waiting for things to hapen, I need to make things happen, but how???

  2. Some things happened here and it got me thinking alot today. At the end of the day, what is it that I want to achieve with my life? What type of life do I want to have? If things doesn't work out here, I told myself that I will walk away and start over again. I don't want to spend the next 30 years of my life regretting it. :)

    Being here makes me realise that I love to be around them and they are my motivation. I know I love teaching and being with the kids. I will definitely be going back to school when I go back. Ideally, as a TEACHer.

    I agree that we cannot wait for things to happen, we need to be more proactive. A relationship will certainly do you good! Start searching for one quick!
