Thursday, October 14, 2010

Gin's Kitchen - Spinach with 3 Eggs (上汤菠菜)

Day 73

I was looking at the numerous food photos that my brother and mei posted after family dinners..laksa prawns, 鱼翅, 炸苏东仔,上汤菠菜,I was, today I tried to make 上汤菠菜, one of my fave vegetable dish. :)

I searched the net for recipes and couldn't find many. I only managed to find 2 that includes all the 3 eggs, 鸡蛋,皮蛋,咸蛋。Mr Tan and I love 咸蛋 and 皮蛋 is one of his 最爱。So this dish is really perfect for us.

I followed the recipe to closely as I did not want to destroy my precious 咸蛋. Apparently the sequence of adding in the eggs is important in order to achieve the same texture as those we eat in the restaurant, 咸蛋, followed by 皮蛋 and lastly 鸡蛋. We brought the 咸蛋 all the way from home! haha..

It was pretty easy to cook and although the dish did not turn out as nice as those in the restaurant, it was not too bad and I was happy with the outcome. Only thing, I added too much 鸡蛋 and did not stir it in properly so the 鸡蛋 were kinda everywhere. But it was an easy dish and I simply love drinking the soup....

As you can see, the 鸡蛋 is everywhere


  1. I found something that looks like a xian dan to me in the convenience store, but i donno if it is or not... hee...and i didnt see any pi dan around...

  2. Apparently you can make your own xian dan..someone actually posted her recipe of making it..pi dan i tink the jap will find it yucky, too black for their liking..haha..
