Saturday, October 16, 2010

Eat Out - Passion Flower (Ice Cream)

Day 75

After our Peking Duck feast, we headed back to city for Jasmine and Allison's favourite ice cream - Passion Flower. It sells a variety of ice cream flavours such as Pandan, Black Sesame, Lychee Rose, Red Bean, Green Tea, Taro etc. It is almost always packed with Asians. They have a minimum spending of $10 per person for dine-in guests on Friday and Saturday nights, yet it is still packed. Today we were lucky to get a table for the 6 of us and sample their desserts!

Black Pearl
Black Sesame Ice cream with glutinuous rice balls

Double Happiness
Green Tea + Red Bean Ice cream with glutinous rice balls and topped with red beans

Black Sesame + Red Bean + Taro Ice cream with glutinous rice balls
Eastern Sunrise
Taro + Sticky Rice + Green Tea Ice cream with banana, lychees and oranges

Western Sunset
Chocolate + Vanilla + Strawberry Ice cream with banana, strawberry and hot fudge chocolate cream

Banana Waffles - Self explanatory..haha..

Verdict: It is a nice dessert place to chill with your friends but I didn't really fall in love with any of the flavours although the girls love the Black Sesame, Green Tea and Taro to bits. Each of the above cost $15 so it is not cheap. Once in a blue moon indulgence for me.


  1. I'm drooling already!! All flavours I like!!! But I have to say Japan has ver good ice-cream too... hee...

  2. I miss my Andersen's Ice Cream...Belgian Chocolate Chip...They don't have Andersen's here..only in Sydney and Adelaide...sad...

    I saw the Hersey's Ice cream, how does it look on the inside?
