Sunday, February 6, 2011

唐人街 - 舞龙,舞狮

Day 188 - 正月初四


Went QV market today, hoping to buy baby pork ribs and pomfret but didn't manage to get them. I wanted to buy baby pork ribs to make 糖醋排骨. I guess I need to make another trip there next week to try my luck.

We headed to Chinatown for lunch as we heard that there will be CNY celebrations there. 一到那儿,就可以听到鼓声和鞭炮声,路上人来人往,每个人都面带笑容,终于有点儿过年的感觉!第一次见到洋人打鼓,第一次见到洋人舞龙头!开心开心!我喜欢过年,一家人团圆,开开心心去拜年。我的家有很多家庭成员,除了婚礼,唯一能见到大家的日子就是过年。一年一次的家庭聚会,即热闹又温馨。还有两年,等我哦!





  1. CHinatown there likw very happening leh! Fukuoka with fellow SIngaporeans was great! wanted to go Nagasaki, cos got CNY lightups in CHinatown there. big event supposedly. but got a fren jio me go skiing... so i am going skiing instead. cos my teachers all too bz to bring me. so this week fri is a holiday, i will be skiing for 2 days. sunday back to saiki... hee...

  2. Only that day happening la, the rest of the days, it is just a stretch of chinese restaurants. haha.
    SKIING!!!!!! Shiok!!! I also want to go but gotta wait till july-august..hopefully can get to see snow this year!!!

  3. I gotta take a 130am train which reach my fren's area at 430 am... so early.. and far.. cos my teachers all not free to bring me... and teachers in vocational school i not familiar with, and they cant speak EL very well... so I have to ask my fren... so it will be more expensive. we will be driving to 2 days, then head back, no sightseeing in eating of okonomiya in hiroshima too...
