Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Anniversary! With Love from Papa and Mama Goh

Day 233

10.45am - Missed call from SG
10.55am - Called home (Webcam is spoilt, can't skype)

Me: Hello Father, you called me?
Papa Goh: Ya ya, everything ok? Wait ah, mummy, quick!
Mama Goh: 记得今天是什么日子吗?
Me: Huh? 什么日子? 有日子么?
Mama Goh: 忘记了啊?
Me: 什么?
Mama Goh: 你的结婚纪念日啦。
Me: 还没到啦!
Mama Goh: 二月十九,今天啊。。
Me: 哎哟,我没有记华人的啦!
Mama Goh: 可是我们是记华人的咯。希望你们两个不要吵架,一切顺顺利利,要和气生财。最好把这四个字写下来,贴在墙上。
Me: 哈哈。。。
Papa Goh: All the best to the 2 of you ah.
Me: Ok, thank you!

It's so sweet of them to call and wish me Happy Anniversary! (especially Mama Goh) Most of the times, she needs us to remind her about her own wedding anniversary. Perhaps the day is special not because it is our wedding, it is special because it is the day that I leave their side and move on to start the next chapter of my life. 

Thank you Papa and Mama Goh!

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