Tuesday, February 7, 2012

15 Days of Lunar New Year


Day 539 (23 Jan - 正月初一)
下午跟 Jasmine 和 Mr Tan 一同到廟去拜拜,祈求家人身體健康,福星高照,龍年旺旺
晚上跟大伙兒到 TGIF 吃大餐!

Day 541 (25 Jan -  正月初三)
去 Jiaqi 和 Shenton 家吃從馬來西亞坐飛機過來的黃梨塔,杏仁餅,超開心!
吃完 甜點吃火鍋。

Day 542 (26 Jan - 正月初四)
到 David 家打麻將, BBQ,這才像過年嘛! 

Day 545 (29 Jan - 正月初七)
撈起,撈起 (Lo Hei, Lo Hei), 撈個風生水起!


Day 548 (1 Feb - 正月初十)
Night's out @ Suzuki Night Market


Day 550 (3 Feb - 正月十二)
It was supposed to be our Ben & Jerry's movie night @ St Kilda Openair Cinema but the organisers oversold the tickets and there weren't enough seats! Unbelievable. Absolute rubbish! Luckily we had a good dinner at Kyma and the guys weren't that mad. We could either stand around to watch the movie or ask for a full refund. Of course, we asked for a full refund but we made sure we got our Ben & Jerry's ice cream before leaving. Since we couldn't watch the movie, we walked down St Kilda and decided to pop into Luna Park where the men instantly became boys again. :)


Day 552 (5 Feb - 正月十四)
Emily 帶我們去 Little Saigon Market 買水果,買海鮮。
好多我愛吃的水果 - 芒果,紅毛丹,荔枝,山竹。
還看到小時候外公常煮給我吃的 "zhu lei"。


Day 553 (6 Feb - 正月十五)
和大伙兒一起到 Laksa King 吃晚餐
吃完 Laksa 吃 Chendol。
 吃完 Chendol 回家吃花生糊 + 湯圓。

Got an urgent msg from Bro on Sunday to ask me to call home immediately as Papa Goh was very sick. He was vomiting non-stop and wasn't able to walk steadily. This is the first time in my life that Papa Goh is so sick. I was so worried that I was ready to fly back to be by his side. :( He went for a brain scan this morning and thankfully all's good. It's still not clear what caused Papa Goh to have these symptoms but we're all praying hard that it's nothing serious. Please get well soon, Papa. I love you. :)


  1. 你吃太多了哦。。。小心啊。。。 hee...

    1. 就是咯!一直吃吃吃!但是除了吃,这里都没东西玩。。超无聊的。。所以叫你们别浪费钱过来。。
