Day 33
4 - 5 September 2010
Tasmania, here we come!
This is our first trip in Aussie. It is part of a farewell trip for YBC and also a celebration of our fifth month's anniversary. :)
The weather was terrible as it rained and it was freezing cold up on Mount Wellington. Tasmania was kinda B.....oring...the highlight was that I saw snow! little bits of snow, not the powdery and soft kind but hard and wet kind. It was painful when they fell on us! Ouch!
We saw koala
s, wombats, tasmania devils and fed kangaroos. We were done by 430pm but our flight was at 1030. Result of not planning before tickets were purchased. Thus, we sat around and drank lots of tea, ate lots of chips and in the end, the flight was delayed by an hour! By the time we reached home, it was almost 1am.
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