After leaving Flemington, we decided to go QV as Jiaqi wanted to go Mango to buy a dress that she saw. There was a 25% discount on all dresses and she has to get that dress. It was raining and cold. So after buying the dress, we went for Hot Chocolate at Max Brenner Cafe.
Max Brenner has stores worldwide and it actually has 2 stores back home but I have never visited them. Haha. Mr Tan and I ordered Dark Hot Chocolate in Hug Mugs ($5.50) and Chocolate Souffle ($11) while Shenton and Jiaqi ordered Suckao ($6.50) and Chocolate Cinnamon Babka ($6.50).
The Suckao is unique and it is the first time I see it. According to Max Brenner's website, a suckao is the espresso of all choclolate drinks - a small, dense and concentrated chocolate. Suck - to draw the dense liquid through the metal straw and Kakao - The spanish word for cocoa beans from which this pure, rich drink is made and determine its quality.
The Hot Chocolate came in Hug Mugs that are also unique to Max Brenner. The mugs are specially designed for hugging in both hands, to create the experience of cosiness, warmth and fragrance. It feels so good to hold the mug in the cold!
The Chocolate Souffle was SINFUL with the warm melted chocolate centre. Yummmmmmmmmmmy! The chocolate was smooth and thick. So sinful that I will only allow myself to have it once a month. If only they have sofa seats there, it will be my fave hangout. I don't like to sit on stools. Perhaps it is their way to ensure that we don't hog their seats. Hmm...
I want to eat the choc scouffle too...